Folio Balance Report

The Folio Balance Report lists all of the guests currently in house and the current balances on their folios. The Folio Balance Report can also include zero balance folios if wished, and the Report may be separated by the buildings within the Property, or used to show bedded rooms only. The Folio Balance Report command in the Revenue Reports section of the Reports Area opens the Folio Balance screen and allows you to generate a Report which shows the room number, guest name, the Check-In and Departure dates, the current balance, any credit limit, variance between balance and credit limit, payment method, the room rate and the current folio status. (Setting the date into the future will also show projected balances as of the date set).

Note: The Folio Balance Report is also included in the Emergency Reports feature (which is designed to be used in the event that your system needs to go down for a short period of time, providing quick access to pre-configured reports, and includes those typically needed for the staff to operate manually).



Date Updated November 16, 2023